Friday, February 6, 2015

Make Yard Cards

Yard cards are front lawn decoration for any event. These cards are simply large boards with a message or image painted on them. They can be put out to announce the birth of a baby, a birthday or for holidays that you would normally decorate outside your home, such as Christmas, Halloween and Easter. Making yard cards are not that difficult, and you can use a lot of creativity to design a card that you like.


1. Take a piece of medium or lightweight board, such as plywood, MDO (medium density overlay) or heavy cardboard.

2. Prime the surface with a good sealer to protect it from weather, and prepare it for decorative painting.

3. Sketch your design with pencil first; then paint the design on the yard card with acrylic or latex paints. Be creative to make an eye-catching design. Allow it to dry.

4. Paint two or three coats of a clear acrylic sealer over your board to help protect it from the weather. Allow the sealer to dry.

5. Place two wooden stakes behind your yard sign, one on each side. Allow a foot or two of the stakes to stick out past the bottom of the card. Line up the ends, so they are even. Nail them into place.

6. Stand your card on your lawn, letting your stakes sink into the ground.

Tags: from weather, protect from, protect from weather