Friday, September 5, 2014

Roll My Hips In Hula

Hula dancing is a skill that requires practice.

The ami, or hip rotation, is a basic moves of hula dancing. Do do the the ami, you must be able to move your hips in a circle. Getting your hips to move in a circular motion takes a bit of skill and practice. Once you are comfortable with the basic skills involved in performing ami, you can hula dance in place or as you rotate in a circle.


1. Bend your knees so that they are pointed straight ahead over your toes. Hold your torso as upright as possible and put your hips in a relaxed position.

2. Distribute the weight of your body equally between both of your feet.

3. Position your hands by forming relaxed fists and holding them against your hips.

4. Move your hips to the right, the front, the left and then to the back while allowing your legs and knees to stay flexible. Don't take a step. Move your legs naturally with the movement as you do the ami.

5. Keep your hips positioned underneath your body. In the ami, your torso is meant to be stationary. If you move your hips too far in one direction, your torso will start to shift. If this occurs, make your hip circle motion smaller and tighter.

6. Practice the steps with both sides of your body until you feel comfortable.

Tags: your hips, your body, your torso, Move your, move your hips, your legs