Friday, June 5, 2015

Pipe Clowns Out Of Buttercream Icing

A child's birthday cake can be adorned with playful clowns in just a few minutes with buttercream icing. The buttercream is first colored with gel colors and then piped out directly onto the cake and topped with a plastic clown face. The birthday clowns can be colored to match your child's party decor and will be the hit of any celebration. Add this to my Recipe Box.



1. Put the buttercream icing into one bowl for each color. The circus clowns look best with a yellow, blue, or red body, and another color to accent their hands and feet. Color each icing with gel tint by first applying a small amount of gel to a toothpick and then wiping that gel onto the end of a spatula.

2. Combine the icing with the gel color on the end of the spatula. Stir the icing until there is no streaking of color, but instead an even and cohesive shade. Set up the piping bag by inserting the coupler and pushing it down into the tip of the bag. Place the star tip on the outside of the coupler and screw on the ring to keep everything securely fastened. Fill the bag with the colored icing and twist three times clockwise.

3. Squeeze with the bag straight up and down at the point where you want to create the clown body. Hold the bag in place while moving up slowly; the clown's body should begin to get thicker and taller as you pipe icing with a moderate amount of pressure. The diameter of the clown should be slightly larger than that of a quarter. The height of the clown's body should be about two inches tall.

4. Add the arms and the legs with the same star tip. Add the legs by piping a thin strip of icing at the bottom right and left side of the abdomen. The legs will be applied in a straight line about one inch in length. Pipe an arm out of each side of the body by starting where a shoulder would be, and then pipe a curved arm from the shoulder, down the side of the body, and laying in the clowns lap. The clown's arm can also be piped straight down from the shoulder onto the cake as though the clown's arms are at his sides and his hands are on the floor.

5. Pipe an accent color for the feet, hands, and collar. Pipe a small dollop of icing at the ends of the legs, the ends of the arms, and on top of the body where the head will go. Stick the plastic clown head into the top of the body and through the collar.

Tags: clown body, icing with, body should, buttercream icing, clown body should, collar Pipe