Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Ideas For Family Activities

A typical family activity.

Family activities allow families to stay in touch and learn together. Activities can be as simple as watching a movie to going on an extended vacation. The whole family can plan them together, or you can plan them yourself and surprise the rest of your family. The following activities represent just a small sampling of ideas suitable for family fun.


Gardening is a family activity appropriate for all age groups. Many young children love to play in the dirt, as they assist with the actual planting. Container gardening is an excellent way to begin this project. It takes up limited space and works well for families who live in small apartments or urban areas.

Almost any container will work, as long as it provides adequate drainage. Baskets, painted coffee cans, plastic buckets, flower pots and old window boxes are just a few available options.

For added fun, plant giant vegetables such as pumpkins and fragrant herbs such as chocolate mint. Many heirloom seeds produce interesting vegetables, also great for family gardening. They include carrot-shaped beets and yellow tomatoes.


Volunteering as a family not only benefits family members but the community. You can volunteer for an organization or for individuals in need of assistance. There are many ways to help. Allowing family members to alternately choose the next volunteer project enables the family to help multiple organizations as opposed to just one.

Ideas include: serving meals at a soup kitchen, visiting nursing-home residents, volunteering at an animal shelter, writing letters to deployed soldiers, doing yard work for a neighbor, planting a community garden and organizing a recycling drive.


Camping options range from the simple to the luxurious. Planning a family camping trip doesn't have to cost a fortune. A tent, sleeping bags, camp stove and a few other supplies are all that is needed to have a good time. Rental equipment is available to families who just want to give the camp experience a try. Cabin or RV camping is also an option for those who prefer more comforts of home.

Camping is a relaxing way to spend time together and catch up on each other's lives. Depending on campsite location, it's an opportunity to swim, hike, fish, go biking and even tell ghost stories around the camp fire. Some campgrounds hold "theme camping" weekends that feature additional family activities and sponsor day trips to local attractions, as well.

Tags: family activity, family members, plan them