Monday, September 21, 2015

Make Baby Bib Invitations

Baby showers are a celebration of the impending birth of a baby. They are also an opportunity for family and friends to bond and have a little fun. The baby shower is usually held by the mother's best friend, mother or sister.

Baby showers give friends and family a way to show their support for the mother-to-be in creative ways. A tradition at baby showers is to find new and interesting ideas for invitations, refreshments, activities and gifts. A baby bib invitation is just one of many of these creative ideas.


1. Lay infant size bib on white shirt cardboard. Secure with T-pins. Use pencil to outline bib. Cut out first bib and use as a pattern to make the rest of your invitations.

2. Use a hole punch to make holes in both shoulders of the bib. Thread pink and blue curling ribbon through the holes and tie in a cute bow.

3. Use puffy glitter paint to write: "You're Invited" at the top center of the front of each card. Write the party details below that. Allow to dry several hours before putting bib invitations into envelopes to mail. Consult the post office to ensure you use the correct postage.

4. Mail your invitations two weeks before the day of the baby shower. Baby showers should be held no earlier than one month before the baby's due date.

Tags: baby shower, Baby showers, before baby, your invitations