Thursday, September 10, 2015

Island Princess Games

Rosella's friend Sagi is a red panda.

"Barbie as the Island Princess" is an animated movie starring the famous doll as Rosella, a shipwrecked princess who befriends a variety of animals in her island paradise. When a handsome prince offers to bring her back to civilization so she can remember her past, a series of adventures unfolds. For Barbie movie fans, the Island Princess theme makes a beautiful and memorable birthday party, with luau-style decorations, food and games. Incorporate games that feature an Island Princess motif, and little girls will feel like they are Island Princesses too. Does this Spark an idea?

Fruit Tumble

Rosella eats tropical fruit on her island.

In one of the movie scenes, the princess Rosella and her animal friends must gather fruit to eat. Gather six empty two-liter soda bottles, as well as six pictures of tropical fruit---bananas, pineapples, coconuts and so forth. Fill the bottles with about a cup of water to weigh them down a little. Then, tape the colored fruit pictures to one side of the bottles. Line up the fruit bottles in a row and let children try to knock down the bottles by tossing beanbags or rolled up socks at them. Every bottle knocked down earns the player a point.

Dolphin Rescue Relay

Dolphins save Rosella from drowning.

When Rosella and her animal friends are thrown overboard, she calls dolphins to rescue them. Prepare four pictures of dolphins, about 12 inches long, and get them laminated. To play, divide the children into two teams, with two dolphins apiece. The first players must place a dolphin on the floor and step on it. Then, they move the second dolphin in front and step on that. Reaching behind for the first dolphin, players must move it to the front and step on it. Players continue until they reach the end of the relay area. Once they gather up the dolphins and race back to the team, the next person in line takes the dolphins and starts stepping. The team that finishes first is the winner.

Flag Finder

The tattered flag with the white rose helps Rosella find out who she really is.

When Rosella was shipwrecked as a child, one of the only clues to her identity is a flag with a white rose. Later, at a royal wedding, she sees many different flags representing visiting royalty. Let children be like Rosella and match flag patterns. Make a unique flag for each guest, and a duplicate of each flag. Hide one set of flags around the house or back yard. Give the guests their flags and instruct them to search for the matches. If they discover a flag that is not a match, they must leave it where it is. Returning the matching flags to the host earns guests a party favor.

Tags: Island Princess, animal friends, flag with, flag with white, front step, players must