Monday, December 21, 2015

Plan A Fun Wedding Reception

Plan your wedding reception ahead of time so you can relax and have fun on the big day.

Creating a fun wedding reception takes just a little imagination, a lot of inspiration and plenty of extra planning before the big day. You can have a fun wedding reception during which the bride and groom can greet and thank family, friends and acquaintances for their well wishes. Everyone who participates in the planning of the reception will have fond memories of the wedding and the planning for years to come.


1. Select a theme for your reception that is in keeping with the mood of your wedding and your own personal sense of style. Your theme does not have to be extravagant or costly. The theme can include family favorites such as a barbecue, picnic or backyard wedding reception. You could even plan a reception at a favorite local "hot" spot if you make reservations far enough in advance. Choose what is right for you and your wedding budget. The most important part is that you and everyone you love have fun.

2. Write down your list of guests and send out your keep-the-date notices as early as you possibly can. Keep a few keep-the-date notices with you, in case you forget an important person in your life. This way you can hand the card to the person when the time is right. It would not be fun if the people that you cared about were not able to attend your wedding reception. Planning ahead helps to make sure your loved ones can have fun with you on your wedding day.

3. Create a wedding reception planning committee. Ask everyone you know to help with different parts of your wedding reception. People who love you will be willing to give a little bit of time to help create decorations or food for the wedding reception in advance. It will give everyone a chance to come together and spend time laughing and talking about your big day.

4. Write down all the details and check them off as you complete each task. This will prevent you from forgetting any items that you have planned for your wedding reception. Cross each item off your list as the planning process gets underway and you will be able to relax, knowing that everything is ready for your special wedding reception. Your mind will be at ease as you enjoy spending time with your guests.

5. Set up meetings for your guests ahead of time in small informal gatherings so that people will know one another when they come to your reception. This is especially useful for creating good will among potential in-laws. Make sure to mention people's hobbies and work as you introduce them to others. This will help to give people something to talk about.

6. Create ice breakers and party games to help all of the people you invited to get to know one another. If you have people play games and participate in activities they will start to loosen up and talk to one another as they mingle.

Tags: your wedding, wedding reception, wedding reception, your wedding reception, ahead time