Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Play Dmaj7 On Ukulele

4 String Tenor Ukulele

The Dmaj7 chord is an advanced chord that is played on the ukulele. This chord also known as the D major 7th chord is most commonly played in the key of D. When playing in the key of D, the Dmaj7 chord will most likely follow the D chord. The Dmaj7 chord is almost identical to the Dbmaj7 chord. However, the Dmaj7 chord positioning starts on the second bar and the Dbmaj7 starts on the first bar.


1. Rest the ukulele neck in the left hand between the left thumb and left index finger near the string spacer. Keep the left thumb directly behind the second bar on the ukulele neck. Hold the ukulele body with the right arm. Place the right hand underneath the center of the body.

2. Move the left index finger to the second bar located between the string spacer and the first fret. With the tip of the left index finger, hold down the "G" or top string. Keep the left index finger between the frets without touching them.

3. Hold down the remaining "C", “E” and “A” strings also with the left index finger on the second bar between the first and second frets. Keep the index finger between the frets without touching them.

4. With the left ring finger, hold the “A” string down on the fourth bar between the third and fourth frets. Relax the left middle and pinky fingers without touching any strings or frets.

5. Firmly hold the strings down with the left index and left middle finger on the assigned strings. Keep the left thumb pressed up against the back of the ukulele neck directly behind the first bar. Gently strum over all of the strings with the right hand near the center of the ukulele body to hear the Dmaj7 chord.

Tags: index finger, left index, Dmaj7 chord, left index finger, Keep left, left thumb