Friday, April 10, 2015

Throw A Simple Outdoor Party For 30 People

You can successfully throw a simple outdoor party for 30 people if you plan it well. Planning in advance (start working out the details at least a week ahead) may save you money and can also keep your stress level down and make the whole process more enjoyable. A good, simple party doesn't require elaborate decorations, fancy food or entertainment.


1. Keep the menu simple or make it a pot luck. Simple foods you can easily provide for 30 people include cheese dips or other warm dips (made in and served from a slow cooker), cheese and cracker platters and desserts such as cakes. You can also grill hot dogs on a charcoal grill--always over-estimate how many hotdogs (and buns) you will need in case any fall on the ground or you have very hungry guests. Provide at least three hot dogs per guest, if this is the primary food being served (otherwise provide two per guest).

2. Provide plates, cups, napkins, cutlery and beverages--double the amount to account for dropped items (in other words, buy about 60 of each). If you choose to provide soft drinks, plan on purchasing at least 15 (2-liter) bottles. That amounts to 1 liter per guest.

3. Purchase food and supplies wholesale if possible. Party supply stores often offer large quantities of party napkins and cutlery at better prices than you'll find at a grocery store. Some stores sell large tubs of ice cream and other bulk food items (such as hot dogs).

If you do not own enough lawn chairs or outdoor tables, you have other options: you can rent these from a banquet and party supply store, you can borrow from family or friends, or you can let your guests know in advance they should bring their own chairs.

4. Start setting up the area for the party the night before--set up the tables and the 30 to 35 chairs, for example, unless you expect bad weather overnight. In addition, prepare food platters the night before--cover them in plastic wrap and put them in your refrigerator. They will be ready to just set out. This will save you time on the day of the party and you'll probably feel much more relaxed when your guests arrive.

5. Buy or borrow at least five ice chests (the Styrofoam kind are fine) to hold ice for using in drinks.

For chilling drinks (such as canned soft drinks) suggests filling a child's pool with ice.

Purchase bagged ice the day of the party, soon before the start time. For 30 people you will need several bags of ice (the amount will also depend of how hot the weather will be--plan on at least a pound or more per person) and this is something you probably won't be able to purchase in advance and keep, unless you own a large deep freeze.

6. Set a large trash receptacle, clearly marked, in an easy-to-access area so that guests will know where to throw away used plates, napkins and other items. This will save you a lot of cleaning time after the party.

7. Light citronella candles if mosquitoes are a problem in your area. These candles are very pungent, however, so don't place them near food, where the candle odor will overwhelm the delicious aroma of the food.

Tags: napkins cutlery, soft drinks, This will, This will save, will need, will save, your guests