Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Ideas For A Singles Mixer

A singles mixer can be a party or any other event.

When you're grown up and single, it can be a lot of fun to get together with other singles to do just about anything. Fortunately, if you live in the city, there are usually singles organizations that will plan these functions for you. All you have to do is show up. If you don't have a singles organization nearby---or if you don't like the activities your local singles groups are planning---you can easily plan your own.

Outdoor Outings

If you love being active outdoors or have a specific sport that you are passionate about, consider building a singles mixer club around that activity. For example, the Wailers Ski Club hosts singles events that are often centered around skiing. You could host singles events structured around hiking and camping, river sports or team sports like basketball and softball.

An event like this requires planning to achieve success. You'll need to research your location. You may have to purchase permits or rent facilities. If attendees are participating in an activity that could cause an injury, you may need them to provide proof of insurance or fill out a waiver.

You can recruit singles for an event like this in many ways. Post fliers in local outdoor stores, advertise in the outdoor or sports section of your local paper, promote via a website or encourage past attendees to spread the word about upcoming events.

If your event centers around a team sport, interaction between attendees will be pretty natural. For more solo-oriented events like skiing or hiking, consider adding in an element that encourages interaction. For example, on a hike, create teams and have everyone do a photo scavenger hunt.

Singles Parties

Super Singles Mixers in L.A. plans regular parties and events for singles between 40 and 59 in the area. By borrowing a little inspiration from them, you can plan a theme party that will be a big success.

Try hosting a singles casino night, a singles karaoke party or a costume party. Make sure you plan an icebreaker event as part of the evening.

One of Super Singles Mixers' popular events is its unlock party. Guys get a lock, ladies get a key and during the evening everybody tries to find their lock-and-key match. It gives everyone a reason to strike up a conversation.

A successful party needs good music, plenty of guests and very little else. Even a bar is optional. Just set the scene and let everyone have fun.

Volunteering Together

Super Singles Mixers also hosts volunteer activities for singles. Using this idea for inspiration, host your own singles mixer to volunteer with the Red Cross, Christmas in April, Habitat for Humanity, the local food bank or any number of other organizations doing good work in your area.

If you plan to work with an existing charitable organization, you'll want to contact that organization to help you with the details such as required number of participants and where and when the event will take place.

With volunteer events, you can invite people who have attended previous events that you've hosted or you can advertise through local channels like the newspaper and radio. It's a good idea to ask your contact at the charitable organization for additional advertising ideas. They may also have a mailing list of interested prospects.

A volunteer activity usually means that the singles attending will spend their time working. Consider hosting an after-event pizza party to reward a job well done and to give everyone some extra time socializing.

Tags: singles mixer, Singles Mixers, Super Singles, Super Singles Mixers, charitable organization