Friday, September 26, 2014

Throw A Dora The Explorer Birthday Party For Kids

If your child has a birthday coming and they like bright colors and adventure, perhaps a "Dora the Explorer" theme party is in order. Throwing an explorer party can be easy with a little preparation. It will also appeal to girls and boys alike. Follow these steps to find out how. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Print free coloring pages from the "Nick Jr." website. Color them. Then, hang them on the walls, the front door or from the ceiling. Add cut-outs with greetings or phrases in Spanish. For example, have one of them on the front door saying "Welcome to our Fiesta," or "Feliz Cumpleanos."

2. Make a vine forest by cutting long sections of green crepe paper and taping them to the ceiling. Put several in doorways to create a curtain effect for the party area. Add inflatable trees available at most party stores. You can also add an inflatable parrot or two for some extra color.

3. Serve dry snacks like pretzels or chips in small sombreros turned upside down on the table. Miniature pinatas also make great table centerpieces or you can hang them from a string in trees or on poles.

4. Serve pink lemonade and keep it cold with ice cubes made from a star shaped ice tray. Garnish each glass with a small paper umbrella.

5. Make backpacks using a nine-by-twelve manila clasp envelope and glue a sheet of purple felt to one side and two thick strands of ribbon on the other for straps. When the children arrive have them choose a red felt mouth, a pair of yellow felt eyebrows and two goggle eyes that you've prepared ahead of time. Decorating the backpack should be the first activity so they can be drying while the party is going on.

6. Make a map for each child using markings from your home or yard that will lead them to their favor bags. Roll it up and hand one to each child to let them follow the map to find the hidden treasure.

Tags: Dora Explorer, each child, front door, hang them, have them