Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Ideas For Ladies' Luncheon Activities

Ladies luncheons can involve all generations of women or can be planned for a certain age group of women.

Ladies luncheons are as much or more about the conversation and camaraderie than it is about the food. Planning a ladies luncheon can be a rewarding and sometimes difficult task. After the guest list, venue, theme and food decisions have been made, consider some ideas for activities. Activities help turn an ordinary luncheon into a memorable event. Does this Spark an idea?

Ladies Luncheon Ice Breaker Activities

Ladies at a luncheon may not be familiar with each other. To help encourage mingling and help get everyone acquainted and comfortable, engage guests in ice breaker activities. One ice breaker that is sure to bring laughs from the players is "Fashion Diva." Divide the ladies into teams of three to five players. Teams are to choose one player to be the model while the rest of the players are the designers. Supply each team with two rolls of toilet paper, a few sheets of colored tissue paper and some tape. Ask the teams to dress the model in an original creation using the materials given. Set a timer for a specific amount of time and when the time runs out, have a fashion show and allow the ladies to judge each other's fashions in a playful way. Another ice breaker ideas is to simply have a list of five questions written on a piece of paper and set on each table. Encourage the ladies to go around the table answering each of the questions.

Ladies Luncheon Activities to Help a Cause

Many ladies luncheons are put together to serve a higher purpose than just a social gathering. Some luncheons may be a tool to bring awareness to a cause and some are planned to help solve a problem. Engage guests in activities that serve a purpose higher than entertainment. A luncheon that exists to bring awareness to a certain medical condition, such as breast cancer, can include short video clips or special speakers who talk on the topic. Hand out brochures and information about breast cancer prevention and ask ladies to take a pledge to do self-examinations on a regular basis. If a luncheon is planned to raise money for a certain charity, such as ministry or a non-profit organization like the Humane Society, consider having a silent auction during the event.

Ladies Luncheon Games

Games are a fun way to get women at a luncheon relaxed and ready to have a good time. Asking trivia questions of the ladies at a luncheon will spark intellectual conversation. Ask questions in keeping with the theme of the event. If the luncheon is being given to honor a particular person, such as a bridal or baby shower, then ask trivia questions about that woman. If the luncheon is being held for a particular occasion or cause, use this as inspiration for trivia questions. Other game ideas for a ladies luncheon include bingo and a purse scavenger hunt where guests are given a list of items and the lady with the most items from the list in her purse wins a prize.

Other Ladies Luncheon Activities

Some activities at a ladies luncheon can start as soon as guests arrive. Have a jar of buttons, candy or pennies and ask the women to each make a guess as to how many items are in the jar. For smaller events, such as a private birthday luncheon, looking through scrapbooks and photo albums can be a fun activity for ladies.

Tags: Ladies Luncheon Activities, Luncheon Activities, trivia questions, breast cancer, bring awareness, each other