Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Lds Youth Activity Ideas

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS) runs a youth group program for young men and women ages 12 through 17. The program is designed to provide the youth clean and safe opportunities to have fun, learn more about their church and pick up valuable skills to help them in life. LDS youth programs meet one a week, where adult leaders have organized activities planned.

Service Projects

Many LDS youth activities center around service projects for those who are in need. Consider raking the autumn leaves from an elderly neighbor's yard or making baby blankets for the nearby children's hospital. Other service projects can include picking up litter in a park or playground, weeding someone's garden or making items to donate to larger charitable organizations, like the Red Cross.

Etiquette and Manners

Teaching etiquette can be fun and educational. Hold a "formal" dinner, with instruction on set a proper table as well as instruction on use each piece of silverware. Another activity can be focused on dating etiquette as well as the do's and dont's of treat members of the opposite sex. Setting up the questions like a game show (think Jeopardy or Who Wants to Be A Millionaire) can blend entertainment as well as learning.

Scripture Read-a-Thon

LDS youth are encouraged to read the scriptures, consisting of the Bible and the Book of Mormon. Set goals for reaching certain points and provide rewards upon completion. Hold a Q and A session after certain books are finished to test the group's understanding. In addition to the read-a-thon, hold scripture chases, where the leader mentions part of a story or a verse of scripture and the youth must race to find the exact location in their books. Keep it as a friendly competition, where the winners must serve the losers their ice cream first.
