Friday, August 21, 2015

Make The Leaning Tower Of Pisa Into An Arts And Crafts Project

Create an art activity with the Leaning Tower of Pisa and children.

Children will enjoy learning about and creating their own Leaning Tower of Pisa through using their creativity and problem solving skills. Initially, when the Tower of Pisa was built, it didn't lean. Because the building was constructed on soft ground not suitable for such a heavy tower, the ground compressed upon itself causing the tower to lean precariously. The Tower of Pisa is still standing because the land supporting it will not compress any further and additional assistance from architectural support.


1. Print out images of the Leaning Tower of Pisa and display around the work area for children to use as inspiration while working. Along with printing out pictures of the tower, print out several copies of the coloring page, The Leaning Tower of Pisa (see references) enough for each child.

2. Gather materials needed for the arts and crafts project for the Leaning Tower of Pisa. White and blue construction paper, white pipe cleaners, glue, scissors along with markers and crayons will be needed for the activity. Place materials in a location that is easily accessible to children while working on the project.

3. Discuss with the children the construction of the Leaning Tower of Pisa and the reason why the tower leans today. The Leaning Tower of Pisa is a true example of Romanesque architecture and it constructed of limestone covered in marble. There are eight floors in the tower each decorated with columns and arches. How do they think the tower could've been constructed differently so it wouldn't lean? Do the children think the Leaning Tower of Pisa would be as famous as it is today if it didn't lean?

4. Explain to children they will be creating their own Leaning Tower of Pisa on a piece of blue construction paper. Children will cut out the levels of the tower with white construction paper and glue them onto the blue paper.

5. Cut the white pipe cleaners into small pieces and use to create the arches and columns that decorate each floor of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Children can use the pictures of the tower to help them make his or her Leaning Tower of Pisa as realistic as possible. Glue the pipe cleaners onto the paper.

6. Use the crayons or markers to draw around the finished Leaning Tower of Pisa. Have children draw a background for the tower along with the foreground, or the ground the tower is standing on.

7. Display the finished Leaning Tower of Pisa artwork around the work area alongside the pictures of the actual Leaning Tower of Pisa for others to enjoy.

Tags: Tower Pisa, Leaning Tower, Leaning Tower Pisa, construction paper, pipe cleaners, along with