Friday, August 28, 2015

Looking For Ideas For A Mother Daughter Banquet At Church

Mothers and daughters share a bond that can be celebrated with a banquet.

Mother and daughter banquets are a festivities that celebrate the special bond between female family members. This form of celebration has been particularly embraced by church communities where the arrangement of a banquet is left to the vicar's or minister's wife, who has to come up with ideas that suit all generations of the congregations. Does this Spark an idea?

Extented Invitations

When announcing the banquet, you might want to consider that there will be mothers who have their daughters not close by, or even lost one. You will also have daughters who do not have their mothers at hand. On both occasions, the female members might feel excluded. Try to do some matchmaking and extend the invitation to motherly women who can come together with daughterly younger women. The matched up pair might not have the same bond as the real mothers and daughters, but the incentive will develop new friendships, and increase a communal feeling within the congregation.


Many Church banquets are arranged through people bringing food to share with others, and you can help the congregation with inspiration by giving a particular theme to the event. Themes can include a Scandinavian smorgåsbord table with ladylike open-faced sandwiches and fairy cakes, a strictly vegetarian buffet or even a board with a religious theme with foods prepared with inspiration from the Bible. Choosing this cheaper way of doing a banquet, also poorer members of the congregation can participate, but to avoid 20 different cucumber dips and 15 tomato salads, keep a list of what everyone is making and gently nudge some ladies in a different direction if a dish should appear repeatedly on the list.


Keep decorations simple and tasteful to suit all guests. White tablecloths and flowers as well as fruits of the season will look great on the table. Use real glasses, plates and cutlery instead of plastic and ask the men of the congregation to support the evening by doing dishwashing duties that night. Decorate the area where the banquet is held in accordance with the seasons. Use fresh flower arrangements, including wreath and garlands, baskets and plant pots in spring and summer, and bales of hay, vegetables and fruits in autumn. Christmas decorations, conkers, pine cones and holly will be a good idea for winter decor. By decorating according to the seasons, you will also most likely be able to capture the mood of most people attending.


Engage the women in the entertainment by organizing a fashion show where they can present their own creations or favorite clothes. You can also prepare a mother and daughter quiz, and let the women solve the questions in group work. Arrange a picture matching game where some real mothers and daughters take along one photograph of themselves as a child. Mix up the pictures and let the guests determine which mother belongs to which daughter by looking at the photos. In addition, some members might have special talents, including musical or literary, and might be willing to perform a song or read a story or poem on the night.

Tags: have their, members might, might have, mothers daughters, real mothers, real mothers daughters, will also