Thursday, August 20, 2015

Kids Birthday Party Face Painting Ideas

Face painting is a great activity for kids' birthday parties. Having her face painted will help a child to feel special and to engage in creative imaginary play. It may also help her to express who she is and to feel like she is "in on something" with her girlfriends. Taking some time to prepare for the face painting at your child's birthday party will help to ensure that it is a special experience for everyone in attendance. Does this Spark an idea?

Whole Face Painting

Painting the whole face of a child can help to create a mask effect, allowing her to take on the character of an animal, cartoon character, princess, or other popular character. Begin by practicing various designs on paper so that you know how you are going to execute each design. Consider learning to paint a cat, dog, butterfly, princess, your child's favorite cartoon character, and a clown. As your child's party, ask each guest to request the face-paint mask of their choice. You will need to work quickly, as children do not like to sit still for long periods of time.

Partial Face Painting

An alternative to whole face painting is partial face painting, where each child's eyes are painted to look like the character of his choice. Instead of a whole face painted like a cat, a boy would get cat eyes. Or a girl might ask for fairy eyes or clown eyes. Instead of having to quickly paint an entire face, you can paint just the eyes. This is a great option if you have several children in attendance or if the children are younger and do not like to sit still.

Simple Designs

Instead of painting a mask or the entire eye area of a child's face, you might consider doing simple designs on the cheeks. You could do anything from balloons, to hearts, to animals, to cartoon characters. It is not as difficult to learn to do these designs, although you should practice ahead of time. They generally require only a few seconds to apply and are perfect for those who are not artistically gifted, as well as for children who are too busy to sit still for long periods of time. You might even use safe cosmetic glitters as accents to make things more interesting. Create a board featuring examples of each design you know do and let each child choose her favorite.

Tags: your child, cartoon character, each child, each design, face painted, face painting