Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Ideas For Lds Activities

Walking around the Salt Lake LDS Tabernacle is a nice activity.

As the 13th Article of Faith states, members of the Latter-day Saints (LDS) church seek after anything that is "virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy" in the world, including fun activities. Various activities inspire and uphold the Latter-day Saint standards while embracing the fun. Some activities explore LDS history, doctrine and tradition; others are mainstream activities that encourage teamwork and charity.

Service Project

A service project is an excellent activity for Latter-day Saints. President Eyring of the First Presidency said at the April 2011 General Conference: "[God] loves His children in need and also those who want to help." Service brings people together and invites people to feel of Christ's love. Some examples of activities to do as a family, a ward (the LDS term for a church congregation) or even by one's self is to sing hymns to the elderly at a nursing home, collect items for hygiene kits for homeless people, volunteer at the local soup kitchen or simply pull weeds from a neighbor's yard.

Family Home Evening

The LDS church urges members to set aside each Monday night to have time together as families or as a congregation. features a large list of suggested activities for Family Home Evening, including writing uplifting notes to each other, bird-watching near home, flying kites, making emergency 72-hour kits, reading and writing poems and making floral bouquets to give to elderly ward members. As with all LDS activities, start and finish Family Home Evening with a prayer.

Temple Grounds

If you live in a city where one of the 130+ LDS temples is located, enjoy yourself by visiting the temple grounds. LDS temples are known for exquisite landscaping and architecture. Some temples, including the Mesa, Arizona, and Salt Lake City Temple feature detailed Christmas lights during the winter months. During summer months, some temples host elaborate pageants on temple grounds. These include the Easter Pageant in Mesa, Arizona, the Mormon Miracle Pageant in Manti, Utah, and the Hill Cumorah Pageant in upstate New York near the hill where Joseph Smith unearthed the ancient plates that he translated into the Book of Mormon.

Simulated Pioneer Trek

Tens of thousands of Mormon pioneers crossed the plains to what is now the state of Utah in the mid-19th century. An inspiring LDS activity is to go on your own pioneer trek, no matter the distance or time; many ward and stake youth groups go on hand-cart treks that cover several miles through the wilderness over a week, while some groups dedicate an hour or two to walking a shorter distance. This activity reminds participants of the incredible faith--and many awful trials--of the Mormon pioneers.

Tags: Family Home, Family Home Evening, Home Evening, Latter-day Saints, Mesa Arizona, Mormon pioneers, Salt Lake