Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Ideas For Single Men In Their 40s To Meet New Friends

Men in their 40s can still make new friends.

A single man in his 40s has plenty of options for making new friends. Getting out and interacting with new people is the key to expanding your social circle. For a 40-year-old bachelor, participating in the right types of events will more likely lead to finding like-minded companions. Looking toward the nonprofit world, local clubs and amateur sports leagues will provide a 40-something man with access to new groups of people with similar interests.

Nonprofit Associate Boards

Joining an associate board is an excellent opportunity for a 40-something single man to expand his social network. Most nonprofit organizations utilize associate boards, where volunteers from the community collaborate on important projects on behalf of the organization. Unlike a board of directors, most associate boards are not invitation only. Interested parties with various backgrounds can apply. As an associate board member, a single man would have access to community leaders, professionals and like-minded individuals. Participating in community fundraising events also provides occasions to interface with the public and meet new people. Membership with a nonprofit associate board would put a single man in a position to make new contacts and potential friends.

Social Clubs

For a 40-something single man looking to make new friends, getting involved in a social networking organization is a great start. Most major cities offer a variety of social clubs, such as groups for wine lovers, outdoor enthusiasts, professionals and singles. Many of these clubs meet regularly, at least once a month, allowing members to drop in wherever schedules or interests allow. The people in attendance and the location of the meeting provide chances to interact with new people and make new friends. Everyone in attendance at a social networking event has gathered there for the same purpose, which can make for a very conducive social environment.

Amateur Sports Leagues

Joining amateur sports leagues would allow an active 40-something man to make new friends. Sports leagues are found in a number of places, such as through an employer, gym, park or local sports club. Leagues can offer more traditional games of basketball, baseball and soccer for the serious athlete. For someone looking for more casual fun, games can also range to the less traditional such as kickball, dodgeball and disc golf. For the single man looking to make friends of both genders, coed leagues are also available. Amateur sports leagues provide a casual and inexpensive way to engage new people and make new contacts.

Tags: make friends, associate board, 40-something single, amateur sports leagues, looking make, looking make friends