Monday, August 3, 2015

Ideas For A Singles Event

If you are single and tired of the bar scene, there are numerous alternatives for you to meet other singles for romance or just to socialize and have fun. You can participate in events focused on your hobbies or join other singles in promoting a cause you believe in. Many events are free or carry a very low price tag, so money should not be a barrier to having a good time and meeting new people.

Wine-Tasting Events

Wine-tasting events are not just for connoisseurs. Wine-tasting events can be found in nearly every city and focus on different themes: wines from a single region, pairings of wine and cheese or wine flights matched with different meal courses. Sommeliers and other wine experts are often on hand at wine-tasting events to offer instruction and suggestions on appreciate the different wines.

Singles Meetups

Meetup is an activity service with a presence around the globe. Members sign up on the Meetup website and choose groups based on their interests. Choices range from activity groups for creative individuals to foreign language groups to movie buffs to singles groups for various age ranges. The Meetup website lists more than 7,800 singles groups in the United States alone.

Cooking Classes

Everyone needs to eat, and cooking shows on television enjoyed an explosion of popularity beginning in the latter part of the 20th century. Cooking classes take the experience out of the living room and allow cooks to try their hand at both simple and complex dishes. Many places offer classes in different cooking genres that allow strangers to become friends over mixing bowls and baking sheets.

Singles for a Common Cause

Singles can often find like-minded counterparts at events hosted by political, activist and other organizations. The Sierra Club in Denver offers events for singles who are nonmembers as well as members. Events such as the annual Ride to End Hunger in New Haven, Connecticut, also present the opportunity for singles to meet new people while promoting a worthwhile activity.

Tags: Meetup website, other singles, singles groups