Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Plan Retirement Party Activities

Plan Retirement Party Activities

When someone approaches the age of retirement they are usually filled with nostalgia about the years gone by. For many people retirement is an extremely emotional time and is a huge milestone in their life. Planning a retirement party is something that should be carefully executed. Here are some tips that will help you to plan a successful retirement party.


1. The retirement party should be planned with the people who know and love the retiree the most, these people will be more familiar with the likes and dislikes of the retiree.

2. Choose a theme for the party. A theme party is more memorable and can be loads of fun. The theme chosen should be something the retiree has something in common with, such as a hobby or a vacation place that the retiree has visited or is planning to visit.

3. Decorate the party location according to the theme chosen. For example,if you choose a tropical island theme you may want to include palm trees and tropical treats pertaining to that theme. Be sure to personalize the affair with banners and balloons and engrave the retirees name on some of the items.

4. Invite present co-workers that the retire likes and favors, former co-workers of the retiree from other companies can be included here. If you don't have access to this information you may want to consult with family members such as a spouse or a close relative.

5. Have games that will help the guest to better acquaint themselves with each other. You want this to be a happy occasion for everyone involved.

6. It should go without saying that gifts and cards should be presented to the retiree. Why not create an album with photos of the retiree' s work history and be sure to include past and present companies.

7. Have the current manager propose a toast to commemorate this event listing the retiree's highest accomplishments at the current company.

8. A retirement should be a spectacular event. Create an event filled with joy and happiness for the retiree to remember.

Tags: retirement party, filled with, Party Activities, Plan Retirement, Plan Retirement Party