Monday, August 10, 2015

Ideas For Name Tags In Classroom Centers

If you are an educator who is looking for creative ways to introduce students, name memorization games and other activities can be fun ways to accomplish this. However, the good old-fashioned name tag works just fine, especially with a creative spin.

One-Word Adjective

Have each participant write a one-word adjective that describes them at their proudest moment (i.e., brave, anxious, conqueror, smart) and join in by doing the same.

This will not only inspire creativity, but it will also help break the ice, especially if a new adjective is used each day to describe various important moments in participant's lives.

Picture My Name

Have participants spell or pronounce their name using hand-drawn images on their own name tags (i.e, The name Addison could be drawn out using 1 + 1 to symbolize "Add," a picture of the sun to symbolize "son." The two words can be linked with a decorative drawing of the word ease).

This idea can be fun if you are instructing an art class or, if you want, to add an element of surprise to a mathematics class.

When I Grow Up

Have participants write down the title of their dream job. Offer the explanation that often in the "real" world your job title defines you, and can often breed false assumptions about your character (i.e., actors can sometimes be defined by the acting gigs they accept).

This encourages participants to think beyond preconceived notions.

Role Models

Have participants write the name of a person who inspires them, whether it is a family member, friend, teacher or celebrity. Also have them one sentence that explains why.

This inspires them to think about attributes or other factors that inspire them.

Tags: Have participants, Have participants write, inspires them, participants write, their name