Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Ideas For Silly Activities For Family Fun Night

Simple fun can be had anywhere.

The point in family fun night is to, well... have fun. Being silly is something that children are good at, but that a lot of parents forget do as their children get older. Life gets more serious, and so do they. Bringing the silliness back into your families' life is easy to do, just take a cue from your children. Silliness just happens. Tradition is key. Have a regular family fun night. (Reference 1)

Outside Activities

It is easy to add silliness to your family activities while heading outside for some fun. Swimming together as a family allows you to play different types of games such as tag-and-dunk. FamilyNight.org suggests a walk in the park, playing silly games along the way. (Reference 2) Go to the playground and play on the equipment with small children. They will have a blast. Even teenage girls will swing at the park with their parents.

Crazy Shows

Children are great at putting on shows, and the outcome can be quite hilarious. Pre-teens and teens are great with these types of things. Give girls dressy clothes and makeup, and they will put on a fashion show. Boys may have a comedian act. Plays and concerts may also ensue, and they will be fun. The whole family will be laughing.

If they invite you to join them, do so. Or ask to join in on the fun if they don't mind not having an audience.

Fun Games

Fun games, where the whole family interacts, are well worth your time. Keep a sense of humor, rather than a competitive mind. Play Twister. Teens still love this one. Play Charades or Pictionary. Tickle monster is a game that small children love, where mom or dad are the monster, but teens who have grown up playing this will also get a kick out of it once in a while. A tongue twister or riddle game would work nicely as well.

Other Silliness

It is sometimes just enough to be near each other. Not worrying about whether or not there is silliness involved. It is often natural to throw out a joke and make someone laugh, and telling funny stories about life events can add humor to a picnic. Children really do say the darndest things, if you want to listen. They will tell you about funny things that happened to them and others throughout the week while sitting around the dinner table. You can add to the humor by telling stories about humorous things that happened that week at work.

Tags: family night, small children, stories about, that happened, they will