Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Invitation Ideas For A 2nd Birthday Party

Make invitations for your child's second birthday.

If you have a little one who is approaching the big two-year mark, consider making special birthday party invitations. By following a budget and making use of the craft supplies you have around your house, you may even produce a party invitation that is less expensive and just as handsome as a store-bought invite. Best of all, birthday party invitations for toddlers give you an excuse to be cute without having to explain yourself. Make use of baby symbols---such as baby bottles, bibs, ducks, cows and, of course, babies. Does this Spark an idea?

Blank Note Cards

Use a pack of blank note cards as your base for a second birthday party invitation. Blank note cards are ideal because they help you skip one step in this process: making the base of the card yourself. The best part about a blank note card is that it gives you a canvas to design on the front of the card. Your job is to embellish the front, and then fill in the key information about the party on the inside.

Embellishment Ideas

Utilize stickers in this project. Buy a collection of different stickers---such as the number two in different sizes and colors. Also consider buying three-dimensional stickers of babies, bottles, bibs and farm animals. You can find three-dimensional stickers at your local craft store. Place a single sticker in the center of the card and secure with white craft glue. Or cover the entire front of the card with number twos of different sizes and colors. You may also want to leave room for text announcing the birthday party.

Prose and Poetry

Fill the card with creative prose or poetry. Review birthday party invitations at card shops and online vendors to get some ideas. You will want to use a felt-tipped or calligraphy pen to write out the party information---where, when and RSVP information. Your card also needs a catchy message. An original example: "Join us on March 13, when Janey turns two! You'll be filled with cake, ice cream and laughter before we are through!" You also could try a variation of this phrase: "Mikey loves trucks and monkeys and boats! Join us for his second birthday party for cake and ice cream floats!"

Tags: birthday party, birthday party invitations, party invitations, second birthday, blank note