Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Play Casino Bingo

You could lose hundreds of dollars in minutes at any casino, but to help expand your day with a minimal amount of money, you can play Casino Bingo, which is usually high stakes, as opposed to small bingo halls. And once you join in on the excitement, you could easily accumulate big cash.


1. Obtain a Bingo calendar. Bingo prices change every day and the time you may want to go could be a special event at the bingo hall and be sold out or cost too much money. Most of the time you will get in for a minimum of $10 to $15.

2. Purchase your package just outside of the bingo hall. You can purchase a paper package or a video bingo package. If you purchase a video bingo package, you can pay extra to have any add-ons for your video terminal like special games or extra Bingo cards.

3. Enter the Bingo hall and find a seat. Look for seats close to the preview monitors and Bingo grid so you can easily see and find any numbers you may have missed.

4. Play the Bingo games. Purchase cards for the special games, if desired. Use the preview monitor to dab numbers before they are called so you are constantly caught up.

5. Call Bingo if you have covered all of the numbers in the pattern. Scream Bingo loud so that the callers can hear you and make sure that you declare Bingo after the caller has announced the number, not when it is displayed in the monitor.

6. Save your ticket to win door prizes during intermission. The tickets can also be applied to your casino account to help earn points on a casino card. Saving your Bingo tickets will also help if you win big because they can be used to deduct taxes off of your earnings.

7. Drink free beverages provided by most of the larger bingo halls. There will usually be soda stations located around, but coffee is available as well.

8. Log onto your video terminal if you are playing video bingo. Everything is automated, but when bingo balls are called you must use your finger to press the ball so that the cards are marked.

9. Customize your bingo screen by choosing different dabbers, backgrounds and colors. You can also hide all of your numbers or add extra games if you have credits available.

Tags: video bingo, bingo hall, bingo halls, bingo package, Casino Bingo, special games, video bingo package