Monday, June 22, 2015

Print Labels In Word

Print labels in Word for any number of uses.

Printing labels in Word is incredibly easy if you know do it. If you don't know do it, you can remove the "incredibly" and the "easy" from the above sentence. But learning how is also incredibly easy!


1. Pull up a blank Microsoft Word document.

2. Select Tools under the toolbar feature. Slide the cursor down to Letters and Mailing. Slide it to the right and down. Select Envelopes/Labels.

3. Select the Labels tab at the top of the box that appears. The default is Envelope, so you must click the Labels tab.

4. Locate the Print box. If you want a full page of labels (excellent for Christmas lists, etc.), make sure the Full Page of Same Label radio button is selected. If you want only one label, make sure the Single Label radio button is selected.

5. Click the word "Option" on the right. Locate your label by its number. The label number will appear on the box of labels, and will probably be four digits. Once you have located your number on the box, find the corresponding number under the Options tab. Highlight it. Click "OK."

6. Click "New Document." Presto! You can now fill in an entire box of labels.

Tags: incredibly easy, button selected, label number, Label radio, Label radio button