Friday, June 26, 2015

Request The Best Room At A Disney World Resort

The hotels at the Walt Disney World resort all have their own special ambiance that makes for an enjoyable stay. You can make your Disney hotel stay even better if you know ask for a room that will best meet your needs and preferences. A good room location can mean the difference between relaxation and frustration. While requests can't always be honored, it never hurts to ask.


1. Know what "best" means to you and your traveling party. For some people, a room near the lobby or food court is ideal, while others might hate being in such a high-traffic area. Some travelers want peace and quiet and desire a room in a far-flung location, while others might want to be close to to a Disney Transportation bus stop. If you have kids, they might want to be near the pool. Decide which factors are most important to you.

2. Make your intial request when you book your Disney World vacation. If you're using a travel agent, she can make the request for you. If you're booking it yourself, ask the agent to note your preferences on the reservation. Disney reservation agents will tell you that no requests can be guaranteed, which is true. However, making sure that the information is noted increases your chances of getting the best room possible.

3. If there is a medical need for a certain request, specify what when making the reservation. For example, if you need to be close to the bus stop because a member of your party has mobility problems or if you need a quiet area because you have an autistic child, explain that your needs are medically related.

4. One week before your Disney World vacation begins, fax a note to the hotel reminding them of your requests. Be sure to include your name, reservation number, arrival and departure dates and the specifics of what you would like.

5. When you check in, politely remind the clerk of your requests and ask if he will be able to accommodate them. Meeting your specific requests might not be possible, depending on the hotel occupancy rate and other factors, but If you ask politely, most Disney Cast Members will do their best to help.

Tags: Disney World, your Disney, Disney World vacation, might want, others might, while others, while others might