Monday, June 29, 2015

Seal & Send A Wedding Invite

Budget-friendly invitations help to keep wedding costs down

Seal and Send wedding invitations contain the invitation, reception information, response card and other information in one package. Each element of the wedding invitation package is printed on a section of one continuous panel which folds into its own envelope. The more expensive Seal and Send invitations come with a separate envelope. The sections are separated by folding lines. Response cards are usually included as a perforated section that serves as a post card. You affix postage to the response card section before sealing the envelope. After folding, the invitations are secured with a plain or decorative seal. The envelope has a section for the recipient's address and postage.



1. Check the guest list and determine how many seal and send invitations you will need.

2. Determine which guests will be getting posted invites and which will be hand delivered. Clearly denote this on the guest list.

3. Ensure that you have enough postage. You will need to purchase postage for the invitations and for the response cards, including those response cards in hand-delivered invitations. A good rule of thumb is to purchase double the required postage for the total number of invitations. Exact calculations are more economical.

4. Decide on the manner in which the invitations will be addressed. If you will be using printed labels, set up the guest list on a database and print the labels. If addressing the invitations by hand, get colored pens ready. Practice your calligraphy on waste paper.

Wedding Invitations

5. Affix the required amounts of postage to the response card section of the invitation.

6. Carefully fold the invitation according to the folding instructions given to you by the printer. This should result in a compact self-formed envelope if using a self-mailer design.

7. Place the folded invitation into the matching envelope with the printed side facing up, if the invitations come with a separate envelope.

8. Seal the envelope using a damp sponge or wet fingers to moisten the adhesive, if not self-adhesive. If you prefer, you may lick the adhesive on the envelope to moisten.

9. Attach the seal to the pointed middle section of the envelope's flap. Moisten the adhesive with a damp sponge, if required.

10. Write the recipient's address in the appropriate section of the self-mailer or affix the printed address label.

11. Affix the correct amount of postage to the envelope. Moisten the adhesive with a damp sponge, if required.

12. Repeat steps 1 -- 7 for all remaining invitations.

13. Separate the hand-delivered invitations from the posted invitations.

14. Post or hand-deliver the invitations, as appropriate.

Tags: damp sponge, guest list, response card, Seal Send, adhesive with, adhesive with damp, card section