Friday, June 26, 2015

Roll Up A Carpet

Roll Up a Carpet

Proper rolling is important anytime you store or move a carpet. Area Rug Facts notes, "When storing a rug carpet, it's best to roll it. Never fold a rug for short- or long-term storage, as permanent creases may form." Rolling a carpet can be done with minimal preparation. Keeping your carpet rolled not only prevents creases, but prevents dirt and grime from building up on your carpet when you are not displaying it. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Vacuum the carpet before you roll it. Leaving dirt or debris on a carpet before storing or moving it can cause staining that will be difficult to remove.

2. Lay the carpet flat, with the weaker side of the carpet facing up. For most carpets, this is the side with the fibers. Some older carpets may have a weakened or torn back. In these cases, roll the carpet with the back side facing inward.

3. Place an archival tube or cardboard rug tube on one end of the carpet. Using a tube to roll carpets gives the carpet internal support and prevents wrinkling and bending. Carpet tubes are available at home improvement stores.

4. Begin rolling the carpet. Keep the rug tube inside the center of the carpet as you roll. If you have difficulty keeping the carpet in place while you roll it, place a piece of fabric between the carpet and the tube. It's best to use muslin or cotton. The cloth acts as a buffer and prevents the carpet from sliding while you roll it.

5. Tie the carpet securely. Using rope or strips of fabric, tie the carpet in several places. Be careful not to tie the carpet too tightly. Tying the carpet prevents it from unrolling while in storage or in transit.

Tags: carpet before, while roll, your carpet