Thursday, June 25, 2015

Remove Labels From Plastic Bottles

When you want to reuse or recycle plastic bottles, you often need to first clean off the label, so they don't interfere with the recycling process. If you are using the bottle around the house for another application, a pesky label can be unsightly. When you go to remove the label, you might find that tearing off the label leaves behind bits of label and a lot of glue. Remove the labels carefully and you'll be able to use household materials to clean off the sticky glue residue. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Run your faucet until the water is hot. Make sure it isn't too hot to cause burns or discomfort -- about 100 degrees will work -- as you will be handling the bottle. Fill up the bottle with the hot water. Let it sit for a moment so the heat will melt the glue, making it easier to remove the label from the bottle.

2. Carefully peel away the label by grasping the top corner of it and peeling back, Let the label double back on itself. If you get stuck, use a small knife or metal spatula to pull off the label as smoothly as possible. Going slowly reduces the amount of label and glue that will be left behind.

3. Discard the paper label. You may still have bits of label or glue from the label left on the plastic bottle. In that's the case, use a solvent to remove the glue. The best two solvents are mineral oil or rubbing alcohol, which work on different types of glue. Do a small test spot and choose the solvent that works best.

4. Soak a wash cloth in your solvent and press it lightly on the remaining glue residue. Hold it there for a minute to soften leftover bits of glue and label.

5. Remove the wash cloth and use an abrasive sponge to scrub away the glue and bits of label. If you've soaked it long enough, it should come off easily. It will also leave a film, so it's important to clean the bottle with a mild dishwasher soap and a wash cloth. Tip the bottle upside down to remove the hot water and leave to dry.

Tags: bits label, label glue, wash cloth, bits label glue, bottle with