Friday, June 26, 2015

Restring A Tenor Ukulele & Guitar

The tenor ukulele is slightly larger than this standard one.

The tenor ukulele and the tenor guitar both have a basic guitar shape, four strings and are tuned slightly different than standard guitars and ukuleles. The tenor ukulele is slightly larger than a standard ukulele, whereas a tenor guitar is slightly smaller than a standard guitar. The two instruments also both require new strings from time to time. You may have to replace strings if one or more pop, or you may have to install new strings when the old ones begin to sound dull from extended use.


1. Purchase a set of strings made specifically for your instrument. You can purchase tenor guitar and tenor ukulele strings at most music stores or from online musical instrument supply dealers.

2. Thread the thinnest gauged string through the hole farthest to the right of the bridge (when facing the instrument).

3. Extend the string upward toward the head of the instrument and insert it through the hole in the tuning peg that is on the bottom right of the instrument's head (when facing the instrument). Leave about 1.5 inches of string extending beyond the hole.

4. Hold the string with one hand near where the neck meets the head of the instrument. With the other hand, tighten the tuning key until there is no more slack in the string. The best way to do this is with a string winder. A string winder is a device that slips over the tuning key and makes turning it quicker and easier.

5. Pluck the string and watch your electronic tuner. For the tenor guitar and tenor ukulele, the pitch for this string should be an A. If the pitch is lower than A, turn the tuning key to tighten the string's tension. If the pitch is higher than A, loosen the string's tension.

6. Perform slight, gradual adjustments to the tuning key until the string of either instrument registers an A pitch.

7. Repeat the same process for the other three strings. The next string on both instruments goes to the top right tuning key. The pitch for this string is a D for the tenor guitar and an E for the tenor ukulele. Run the third string of either instrument to the top left tuning key. Tune the string to a G for the guitar and a C for the ukulele. The lowest string for both instruments goes to the bottom left tuning key and is tuned to a C for the guitar and a G for the ukulele.

Tags: tenor guitar, tenor ukulele, guitar tenor, guitar tenor ukulele, tenor guitar tenor, than standard