Monday, June 22, 2015

Prepare & Clean A Slaughtered Pig For Roasting

Before you put the pig over flames, the animal must be properly slaughtered and cleaned.

People from all corners of the globe enjoy roasting pigs as a way to bring together family and friends. A slow-roasted pig yields a large amount of food and can be the keystone of any festive gathering. Preparing a pig for roasting isn't that difficult, as long as you employ the proper slaughtering and cleaning techniques and procedures. Add this to my Recipe Box.


1. Hang your slaughtered pig by its hind legs from a stable structure, such as the rafters of a barn or a low-hanging branch of a tree. When you hang the pig, ensure you spread the hind legs apart. This makes the animal easier to cut open.

2. Place a large plastic trash can underneath the pig to catch all of the waste. Cut the pig open from its anus to its chest by making a shallow incision. Cut just deep enough to open the animal up, and avoid cutting into any of its organs. After the pig is opened, carefully remove all of the internal organs.

3. Clean the pig thoroughly with a water hose, both inside and out. Allow the water to drain from the carcass. With the pig still hanging, cut the hide from the body. Start from the hind legs when removing the hide. Make a shallow incision on the inside of the leg where it meets the abdomen. Pull as you slice vertically to remove the skin from the fat. After the hide is removed, clean the pig once again with the water hose.

4. Remove some or all of the fat at your discretion; leaving more fat will provide more flavor while roasting. Cut away meat pieces around the belly that are streaked with fat. Other fatty pieces can be used as fatback to season beans and vegetables. Split the animal by cutting it from the jaw to the abdomen, opening the animal up and preparing it for seasoning. Season the inside of the pig with your choice of seasonings before roasting.

5. If you don't plan to cook the pig right away, tie the front and rear legs with butcher's twine to hold them in place. Place a block of wood into the mouth and through to the neck to hold the head in place. Lay the pig in ice in a small plastic swimming pool or a bathtub until you are ready to cook. You should roast the pig within four to eight hours after slaughtering and cleaning. Remove the block of wood before cooking.

6. Dispose of the entrails and carcass by placing them in a plastic garbage bag or by burying the remains.

Tags: hind legs, block wood, shallow incision, slaughtering cleaning, water hose, with water