Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Promote A Nightclub

Nightclubs are hot places for young crowds to hang out and throw down some serious cash in exchange for a fun night of dancing and drinking. But with tons of nightlife options out there, how do you get the crowds to your club? You have to do lots of promotion; here's how.


1. Sit down and think about the key features of your nightclub. Do you have hot bands playing? Killer drink specials? Stunning dancers? A massive facility? Write in bullet point form the key features. These are the things you'll want to highlight in your advertising.

2. You'll eventually want to look into magazine advertising in local papers and so forth, but to start you just want to focus on word of mouth and personal promotion. This will be the flyer distribution method. Hire a few smart, savvy, sexy young adults to do your promotional work. These young people will be the face of your business, so the sexier the better.

3. Have business-card size flip cards and half-sheet flyers printed. The flip cards should absolutely be in full color and double-sided. They need to have photos of the club in full swing and have bold print that points out the key features. The flyers can be in either black-and-white or color depending on your budget.

4. Send your promotions reps out on the streets to distribute these flip cards and flyers. Colleges are a great place to start. This is your target audience. Other great places are malls, street fairs, car shows and any young hangout places. Have your reps hand them directly to people as well as place them on car windshields.

5. Lastly, just put on a great show. When people come to your nightclub, make sure it's the best it can be. If the place is truly amazing people will tell their friends about it and come again. Word-of-mouth referrals are the best advertising in the world. Good luck!

Tags: flip cards, people will, your nightclub