Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Select Divorce Party Invitations

When you select your divorce party invitations, make sure they convey an upbeat feeling so that guests know it's a celebration. Invitations are your way of telling friends and family you're ready to make a clean break with the past and you want them to be there when you do.


Select Divorce Party Invitations

1. Choose a theme for your divorce party, such as a girls' night out, a road trip, a beach party or a spa day. It might be a low-key, last-minute affair with emailed invitations asking a group of friends to meet you at a bar or restaurant, or an all-out bash with a Margaritaville theme and invitations you design yourself.

2. Select invitation colors that convey the atmosphere of the party, such as all-black for a rave or bright colors for a fiesta.

3. Select or create invitations that are clear about the party's purpose. Some people may not know about your divorce yet, or this may be the first divorce party invitation they've ever received.

Send Your Divorce Party Invitations

4. Select your guest list one month before your party. Include your most supportive friends and/or family and decide if you want all women, singles or couples. Some divorced couples are on such good terms that even the ex-spouse is invited.

5. Include information about what to wear and what to bring, such as a beach towel for a pool party.

6. Be clear about who's invited. If the party is for women only or just close friends, indicate that in the invitation, so an invitee doesn't show up with a spouse or date.

7. Mail out invitations at least three weeks in advance with an RSVP date of one week before the party.

Tags: divorce party, Divorce Party, Divorce Party Invitations, your divorce, clear about, friends family, Party Invitations