Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Put My Daughter'S Name On The Title Of My House

Put My Daughter's Name on the Title of My House

Placing your daughter's name on the title of your house will insure that your daughter inherits your home upon your death. The way you do this depends on whether your name is currently the only one on the deed and whether there is currently any mortgage on the home. Depending on these factors, there can be financial consequences for changing your current deed.


1. Determine if you will be forced to immediately pay the balance of your mortgage if the deed is changed. If so, talk to your banker and see if an exemption can be made, or be prepared to pay off your mortgage in full.

2. Get consent from anyone else whose name is currently on the deed before proceeding. In order to add your daughter's name to the deed, you will need the signature of all parties currently on the deed.

3. Write a new deed placing your daughter's name on the paperwork as a Joint Tenant With Rights of Survivorship. This allows your daughter to inherit your house upon your death without your property going through the court process known as probate. While it is possible for you to create a new deed on your own, it is advisable to hire an attorney knowledgeable in real estate law to handle the details for you.

4. Record the new deed with the tax assessor's office in the county in which the house is located. There may be a small recoding fee.

Tags: your daughter, daughter name, your daughter name, currently deed, Daughter Name