Monday, June 29, 2015

Say No To A Person Who Invites Themselves To A Party

Be tactful if you must uninvite someone from your party.

Hosting a party can be exciting, but having to uninvite someone who invites himself can put a serious damper on that. If you're hosting an exclusive party and while talking about it at work or school, a colleague or classmate who overhears you invites himself, you have two choices: allow the person to attend or find a way to tell him he's not invited. If doing the latter, you must exercise tact or risk coming off as being rude or elitist. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Ask the person to speak in private the next time you see him. This is a delicate topic, and you don't want to uninvite the person in public, both to spare him embarrassment and to keep you from looking like a bad person.

2. Explain that you know he's heard about your party and plans on going. Next, explain why you don't think he would feel like a good fit at the party. For instance, if the party is mostly close friends and family members, explain that it's an intimate soiree to be attended just by people who've known you or each other for a very long time. Even if the true reason is that you don't want that person attending your party, find a genuine, non-offensive reason for why she should not attend. Done right, the person should walk away from your conversation feeling as if you've just saved her from wasting a night.

3. End by telling him that you really value him as a coworker or classmate, and don't want him to be offended. Tell him that now that you know he likes to party, you will keep him in mind for when you organize your next shindig.

Tags: your party, from your, invites himself, that know, uninvite someone