Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Select Music For A Christmas Party

If you are planning a Christmas party, there are many different things that you'll be planning. Invitations, themes, decorations and the food are all important, but you'll also want to make sure that you select some great Christmas party music as well. After all, the music sets the tone for the party, so here are a few helpful suggestions to help you pick out the best party mix of Christmas music for your party. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Consider your guests. The crowd that you'll be having at your Christmas party will definitely make a difference in the music that you choose. Are you planning an all adult party or are you having a party for the friends of your children? Kids are probably going to want a different mix of music than adults. For kids, some songs like "Ruldolph the Red Nosed Reindeer," or just about any Christmas song by the Chipmunks is a great choice. If you are having adults, then some more subdued choices, like "White Christmas" by Bing Crosby, make excellent music choices. Also, make sure that you know who's coming and you avoid choosing music that may offend any of your guests.

2. Keep the music theme appropriate. If you are having a themed Christmas party, then you'll want to choose Christmas music that will go along with that theme. If you are having a Grinch theme. If so, the soundtrack to the cartoon or movie would be ideal.

3. Decide on the atmosphere you want for the party. Are you going for an atmosphere that is mellow and intimate or is the party going to have a "rockin" atmosphere? This will help you with your selection of music. For a "rockin" party, titles like "Rockin Around the Christmas Tree" and "Jingle Bell Rock" are top picks. For something more subdued, CD's by Manheim Steamroller are beautiful choices.

4. Take some time to listen to possible Christmas music choices. You should listen to some CDs that you have or look online to get some ideas. Write down the names of songs that you really want to have played at the Christmas party. You can either program your CD player to play certain CDs and songs, or you may want to consider burning your own CD of your special Christmas mix for the party you're holding.

Tags: Christmas party, Christmas music, music that, make sure, make sure that, more subdued