Friday, August 7, 2015

Ideas For Birthday Decorations Or Crafts

Birthday decoration and crafts ideas vary with age of the birthday person.

Whether a party is for a child, a teenager or an older individual determines the type of decorations and crafts to use. For children, bright colors and their favorite characters can assure satisfaction. With others, however, sometimes it is more difficult to get exactly what the birthday person would enjoy. Does this Spark an idea?


When planning for a toddler, you can try to ask him what he might like, but most times you will have to do the thinking. What your toddler likes to do and what he has not done before are starting points. Before the party, have your toddler help with the invitations; let him use glitter or construction paper and crayons to put his special touch to the invitations. When decorating the home or venue, use his favorite cartoon character to advantage; purchase tablecloths, paper plates, napkins and balloons that have the toddler's favorite characters and colors on them.


When planning for a young child, chances are that when you ask her what she would like, you will get a list of ideas that cannot all be met. Take one or two and build on them, using especially something she has never done before. Take her favorite cartoon character, musician or actor/actress and decorate the venue or your home with her. Use corresponding colors to make the entire place look like it is for this character. When the children are all together, have them make birthday party hats using glue and coloring pencils or markers. Also, prepare a self-made puzzle before the party, using a party personalization kit you can purchase. Personalize the puzzle to each guest and have the guests put it together at the party; this is something each guest can take home.


Planning for a teenager depends on gender. If a boy likes sports, then put together decorations that match his favorite sport. For a girl, if her favorite thing is an actor or singer, then put together a karaoke-themed party with her as the actress or singer.


Crafts are not just for kids and can also be used for adults. Make a birthday hat for yourself, if you are celebrating a milestone birthday, such as 18, 21, 25, 30, 40 or 50 years of age. If you are a woman, use a tiara and add your own touch to it. For a man, decorate a hardhat or cap with his favorite sayings. Purchase accessories and decorations that display the age. For an in-between age, substitute your own age or make your own.

Tags: birthday person, cartoon character, decorations that, done before, each guest, favorite cartoon