Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Ideas For Retirement Flyers

Retirement flyer announcements should paint a pleasing picture for the retiree.

Part of the retirement process involves having a farewell party for the departing employee. Retirement flyers are often used to announce that special milestone, especially in companies and corporations with a large employee base, since it is a fast inexpensive way to get the word out. Retirement flyers best serve their purpose when they are designed with the retiree's character and preferences in mind. Your flyer can applaud, encourage, tease or motivate a retiree.


Leaving a job and retiring makes some employees a bit sad. Humorous retirement flyers serve to lighten that farewell gloom by highlighting what they will not miss when they go: a picture of the retiree's most difficult customer or a copy of the next week's worst work assignments, for example. Some retirees have a humorous bent by nature and enjoy being the butt of retirement jokes, with flyers touting their past job failures as accomplishments during employment, such as "The only coach to have a consistent losing streak" or you could say, "Join us in bidding farewell to the secretary guaranteed to always be late--she might or might not show up."


Retirees can be at peace with their decision to retire but long for formal acknowledgment of a job well done as they exit the workforce. For this retiree, create a retirement flyer that touts the many professional accomplishments she made in her life. Highlight awards received, goals met and honors bestowed. Include pictures of the retiree in her "moment of glory" at the company picnic, the annual banquet or receiving the plaque from headquarters. Make this flyer a bit fancy or formal, perhaps with gold foil trim and calligraphy writing, with her name in dark bold type.


Remind fellow employees and your retiree what he has been saying he will do when he retires. Paste clip-art photos on the retirement flyers that match the retiree's interest: a golf club for a golfer; a tennis racket for the tennis player. If grandkids make the sun rise and shine for the retiree, ask his family for pictures to scan for your flyer, so that fellow workers get a look at what drives him.


Send your retiree on her way with flyers that announce her retirement and motivate her on to bigger and better things in life. Remind him through the flyers you blanket at the office that life isn't over at retirement. Design a retirement flyer that challenges him to conquer a new horizon. Place their picture on top of a Mount Everest photo and add a quote from a motivational or spiritual person she admires As she passes through the work halls and break room during her remaining days she will be reminded to dream big.

Tags: flyer that, flyers that, picture retiree, retirement flyer, retirement flyer that