Friday, August 14, 2015

Inexpensive Ideas For Spring Table Party Centerpieces

During spring you may be hosting some parties and looking for some fun centerpiece ideas that are inexpensive and easy to put together. From Easter-themed concepts to simple arrangements that can be adapted for any season these are some fun ideas for inexpensive spring party centerpieces. Try these out and see if any of them work for you.

Fruity Water Bowls

Get a fish bowl or large odd-shaped vase and fill it with water. Place some polished stones and rocks in the bottom. Then add sliced pieces of lemons and limes. The concept is really simple but it's elegant, pleasant to look at and smells wonderful.

Egg Flower Cups

An eggshell that functions as a vase. Poke a hole in the top of several eggs and drain the yolk and whites out of them. Carefully rinse out and let dry. Cut a slightly larger hole in the top of the shell. Place each egg in a small bowl or egg holder. Fill the egg shell halfway up with water. Add short stemmed flowers and you suddenly have an inexpensive, interesting centerpiece.

Planted Herbs

Start a garden and place the individual cups or small patch sections on display. Many people adore the smell of different spices and herbs, they can get their fill with a planted herb centerpiece.

Candle Holder Egg Tree

There are lots of lovely candle holder trees that have several different levels, each with a few open spots for candles. Instead of candles place a dyed Easter egg in each spot and put on display. People will love looking at the creativity and distinctive ideas each person comes up with.

Fruit Bouquet

Make fruit look like a bouquet or arrangement of flowers. You can find examples of these online to copy. Cut fruit such as cantaloupe, watermelon, strawberries, blueberries and cherries so they look like flowers. For strawberries it just means cutting off the top and sticking a long toothpick or kabob stick through the center. It instantly looks a flower. Arrange several different "fruit flowers" in a vase or container. It is beautiful and edible.

Tags: fill with, look like, several different, with water