Monday, August 17, 2015

Information On Date Palm Trees

Date palm trees produce sweet tasting dates.

The date palm tree belong belongs to the Arecaceae plant family which contains over 4,000 total species of palm trees. Horticulturists consider this species a subtropical plant because the date palm can tolerate the hot and dry conditions found in desert areas. Cultivators grow date palm trees all over the globe including in the United States, Iraq and Africa. Does this Spark an idea?


Date palm trees were originally grown in the Persian Gulf region over 6,000 years ago, according to the University of Georgia. Ancient inhabitants of the area used the leaves of the date palm tree to thatch roofs, and the fruit provided a source of food. Spanish missionaries imported and introduced the date palm tree to California and northern parts of Mexico at the end of the 1700s.

Physical Characteristics

Date palm trees can reach up to 60 feet in height with a trunk diameter of 3 feet. The leaves of a date palm tree can reach 15 feet in length and live for up to seven years. A mature tree can have over 100 leaves growing at one time, according to the University of Georgia. A male date palm produces white flowers while a female date palm produces yellow flowers.

Growing Conditions

Date palm trees prefer temperatures above 75 degrees F and can tolerate temperatures as high as 110 degrees F. During the winter, this tree can tolerate temperatures as low as 20 degrees F. Date cultivators use flood irrigation to encourage the trees to produce dates. Cultivators normally plant these palm trees 25 to 35 feet apart, according to the University of Georgia.


Insects and air movement produce pollination in the date palm's natural habitat. Commercial date palm farms often artificially pollinate female trees because of the uneven male-to-female tree ratio. Cultivators may accomplish artificial pollination by manually placing the male pollen in female flowers or by using a machine to blow male pollen onto the female tree. The date palm tree sends out suckers from its trunk to propagate new trees in addition to producing seeds encased in the date fruit.


The mature date measures up to 3 inches in length and takes six to eight months to fully mature. The date fruit consists of a thick brown outer skin and sweet flesh which encases a single seed. Cultivators use the date fruit to produce syrup, paste and juice that consumers use for baking and cooking purposes.

Tags: palm trees, date palm, date palm tree, palm tree, according University, according University Georgia, date fruit