Cupcake cakes are a group of cupcakes arranged into a specific shape and covered in a continuous layer of icing so that, at first glance, they look like a normal cake. Cupcake cakes are also known as tear-away cakes and are popular because they have the look and taste of a traditional cake, but the cupcake can simply be pulled away from the cake and eaten; no need for utensils. It's easy to make cupcake cakes; you need all the same supplies you would need for a normal batch of cupcakes or a traditional cake. Add this to my Recipe Box.
To make a tear-away cake, you will need regular cupcake batter, either your own recipe or the store-bought kind. You will also need cupcake liners that coordinate with the color of the frosting you will be using. Because you will be using several different types of frosting, it is best to buy or make white frosting, and then separate it into different bowls and tint it with food coloring yourself. This will save you the cost of buying full cans of colored icing that you may not use in their entirety. Finally, make sure you have the proper kitchen supplies, such as a spatula and muffin pans.
The key to making a cute cupcake cake is your own creativity. Make the cupcakes according to package directions and allow them to cool completely. Once they are cool, arrange them on the cake plate or serving plate you will be using, because they cannot be moved after they are frosted. Arrange the cupcakes into a fun shape such as a flower, turtle, number or bear. When you are making your shape, remember that when you ice the cupcakes, you will use a continuous layer of frosting that will draw the shape together.
Make sure the cupcakes are completely cool before you try to ice them. If the cupcakes are too warm, the frosting will melt and blend with the other colors, or it may drip down the side of the cupcake. To decorate the cupcake, determine how much of each colored frosting you will need. If the majority of the cake is one color, only reserve a small amount for the other colors. Separate them into bowls, and add a few drops of food coloring to each. Stir the icing as you are adding color so that you mix it well, and don't make the color too dark. Begin icing the cupcakes in the center of the cake and work your way out. If you do the outside cakes first, you risk getting your hand or arm in frosting and smearing the colors into each other. Be generous with the frosting, putting a large dollop on each cupcake and spreading it slightly. When all the cupcakes are iced, begin blending the frosting together into a continuous layer across the cake. Add embellishments, such as eyes to animals, polka dots to flowers or veins to flower petals. Use an icing bag, candy or sprinkles to add these details.
Tags: continuous layer, frosting will, will using, because they, Cupcake cakes, food coloring