Monday, June 8, 2015

Plan A 50th Class Reunion Celebration

Plan a 50th Class Reunion Celebration

Celebrating 50 years since your high school graduation is a big event. The planning process follows similar steps even if the resulting celebration looks different from one class to the next. The location and available entertainment plays a big role in the planning process. The number of guests, available funds, locating old classmates and preferences of the planning committee also helps shape the outcome of the reunion planning process. Take time to analyze your specific situation as you organize a 50th reunion.


1. Schedule the date and time of the class reunion. Consider major holidays and other community events that might prevent former classmates from attending.

2. Reserve a location for the 50th class reunion. Choose a location that accommodates the expected guest count and allows for different forms of entertainment. A banquet hall, restaurant with a party room, country club or the school's gymnasium all work for the event. Outdoor venues such as parks and lakes also work.

3. Draft the class reunion guest list. Start with the class members still in the area. Enlist the help of these classmates to find other members of the group. Use social networking sites and Google searches to try to locate "lost" classmates. Send the invitations early so the guests can mark their calendars and make travel arrangements as necessary.

4. Decide on the entertainment for the event. The class reunion venue influences the entertainment choices. A dinner with music is a classic reunion option. A round of golf, a casual gathering at a lounge or live musical entertainment also works.

5. Plan the menu for the reunion. Again, this will depend mainly on the venue. Banquet halls might require you use their catering services. Simple appetizers work well for a casual gathering. Look at your budget and the overall tone for the reunion.

6. Ask class members to send photos from the school years and current pictures of themselves. Compile the photos into a video montage to show at the class reunion. Add slides that compare the school statistics today to your year of graduation. That might include enrollment, types of classes offered and size of the school.

7. Photograph and video tape the reunion to create a commemorative montage for the attendees. If the budget doesn't cover the cost of reproducing the video, sell them to the interested guests for just enough to cover the production costs.

Tags: class reunion, planning process, 50th Class, casual gathering, class members, Class Reunion, Class Reunion Celebration