Monday, May 25, 2015

Make Strawberry Shortcake Cupcakes

Garnish these cupcakes with fresh strawberries.

Nothing seems to spark nostalgia and childhood memories like strawberry shortcake. These elegant cupcakes are reminiscent of your childhood favorite with an updated twist.


1. Prepare cupcakes according to the instructions on the package. Set aside to cool.

2. Meanwhile, in a large mixing bowl, beat the butter on medium speed until softened.

3. Add confectioner's sugar and vanilla. Continue to mix butter cream on a lower setting until well combined.

4. Add the heavy cream and mix on a high speed until light and fluffy.

5. Add the jam and mix briefly on a slow setting to incorporate jam into butter cream, allowing some small pieces of strawberry to remain.

6. Fit a pastry bag with a large tip and fill with strawberry butter cream.

7. Twist the open end of the pastry bag. Squeeze tightly, keeping the end twisted, and begin frosting the cupcakes. Use a large circular motion and begin on the outside edge of the cupcake, working your way towards the center.

8. Garnish with a sliced or whole strawberry and enjoy.

Tags: butter cream, speed until