Friday, May 29, 2015

Make Your Own Personalized Invitations

Personalized invitations can give a lasting impression on invitees.

Give any event a personal touch by creating your own invitations. From the design of the cards to the wording through which you communicate the details of the event, use personalized invitations to entice guests and elicit a high number of R.S.V.P.s while saving money and exploring your creativity.


1. Draw light pencil lines on sheets of cardstock to delineate the borders of cards, using a ruler to keep your lines straight and your card sizes uniform. Cards can be of any size. Tailor them to the amount of information you need to communicate to guests and the size of the artwork you wish to feature on the cards.

2. Cut out the card shapes from the cardstock. You can cut out large rectangular pieces and bend them in half for a folding card, or you can use single-sheet cards.

3. Decorate your cards with artwork, leaving space for wording. Use markers and other art supplies that you have access to. Create your own designs or use a stencil, creating designs that mirror the theme of your event or resemble abstract art.

4. Choose wording for your invitations. A personalized invitation is not complete without carefully thought out and creative wording. Consider a rhyme or a pun tailored to the event you are inviting guests to attend; for example, if you are inviting guests to a birthday party, consider wording in poem form:

"It is with great pleasure that I invite

My guests to a party on Saturday night

To celebrate a birthday with candles bright

From 10 pm to the stroke of midnight."

5. Punch a hole in the corner of the decorated invitations with a hole punch. Thread a piece of ribbon through the hole, tie a bow or knot and curl the ends by pulling the ribbon taut along the edge of a pair of scissors. The ribbon will give your card a festive touch and will allow you to bind a variety of mediums to make your invitations more interesting and attractive.

6. Place your invitations in envelopes. Write a guest's name on each envelope for further personalization. Mail or hand deliver the invitations.

Tags: your invitations, inviting guests, your card