Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Make Miniature Umbrellas For Drinks

Cocktail umbrellas can make any drink fun and fruity.

Miniature umbrellas for drinks are known as cocktail umbrellas. They are usually made from paper and toothpicks and are used to decorate exotic drinks. They are rumored to have been created by Vic Bergeron of Trader Vic's in San Francisco in the 1930s, and in an article by Cecil Adams, Victor Bergeron III, the son of Victor Bergeron, confirms that Trader Vic's used cocktail umbrellas from its inception in 1932 until the 1940s. The cocktail umbella's uses have expanded from cocktail drinks to just about any fruity drink to cupcake decor. So whether you have an exotically themed party or a child's Hawaiian birthday bash planned, you can make your own miniature drink umbrella for whatever drink you are serving.


1. Lay your paper out on a surface. Use your plastic cup and pencil to trace a circle on the paper.

2. Cut the circle out of the paper using your scissors.

3. Mark a dot at the center of the paper circle with your pencil and then make one cut from the edge of the paper circle to the center dot.

4. Apply glue to one of the cut edges and pull the other edge over it until the paper circle is the desired umbrella shape. Press the edges together so the glue bonds them. This will form the umbrella cone.

5. Apply a drop of glue to the end of your toothpick and place the tip of the umbrella cone on top of it.

6. Let the glue dry and then place the umbrella in your drink.

Tags: paper circle, circle paper, cocktail umbrellas, place umbrella, umbrella cone, Victor Bergeron