Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Make My Own 3d Video Games For Free

Computer and console games require a game engine and graphics software.

You need two basic programs to make your own three-dimensional game: a game engine and a 3D modeling program. Although professional software is generally more versatile, the Internet abounds with free versions. And although it really helps to learn some of the programming languages behind this software, some of them are designed to be more user friendly, with minimal programming skills required. However, even without programming there is a definite learning curve to being able to use these programs.


1. Select a game engine to use based on what kind of game you want to make. The game engine is the glue that holds your game together. It is what you use to create the game itself. You have a lot of choices, but your choices may be limited depending on whether you are using a Mac or a PC. Many free game engines work no matter what platform you are using, but a few of them are limited to one type or the other. Otherwise, you should at game engines based on what programming language they use and what kind of script they use. A programming language is like the DNA of a program, whereas the scripting language is the language you will use to give directions to your game. The majority of game engines use C++ for a programming language, although some use C, Java or Pascal. The scripting language is more varied. Many use Python, but there are also those that use Lua, Pascal Script and Java Script.

2. Select a graphics program to use. Again, you may have limited choices depending on whether your computer is a PC or Mac. Many programs work on both, but not all do. Your graphics program is what you use to make the actual 3D characters, objects and scenery in your game, and animate them. Blender is one of the better-known free 3D graphics programs out there, and it has quite a few tutorials to help you learn use it. Other user-friendly options include DAZ, 3Dbase, Teddy and POV Ray.

3. Select a 2D graphics program. Even though you are making a 3D game, you will likely end up using a 2D graphics program to make "skins" for your 3D models. Skins are just that, a skin of coloring laid over your model like wrapping paper. Skins are what give models their coloring and much of their detail. You will need a digital tablet when using these programs, as they make the job of drawing and coloring skins much easier.

4. Assemble a team to help you. Making a full, 3D game is not a good project for just one person. Most professional games take scores of people to make. You can get by with a small team, but you will definitely need help. Determine what your strengths and weaknesses are. Pick people who have strengths where you do not. If you are a good artist but don't know programming, for example, find someone who is good at programming.

5. Learn some programming. As the nuts and bolts of your game, programming is the end all and be all of how your game will turn out. It's a good idea to look into whatever programming language your engine uses to better understand the engine itself. Libraries and bookstores abound with books on C++, C, Java and other programming languages. Sit down with some of these books and give them a read through.

6. Learn your scripting. You must do this to make your game. Scripting is like stage queues for your 3D models. It tells them act and interact. If you are lucky, you can find books on scripting languages in stores and libraries, but they may not carry them. Try finding some tutorials on your engine's scripting language online.

7. Design your game. Map out each level, character progression, and enemies before you start working with your programs. You need to have a solid idea of what you want to do and what kind of game you want to do before you start modeling. Make a list of everything you will need to model.

8. Create the models, skins and scripts for your game using your game engine and graphics programs. There are many online tutorials for use each individual program. Be sure to play test levels as you build them to make sure that the game is glitch free.

Tags: your game, game engine, graphics program, programming language, game engines, scripting language