Tuesday, June 2, 2015

One Touch A Soccer Pass

Soccer is perhaps the most popular sport worldwide, with millions of people watching and millions more playing the sport every day. If you watch any soccer games, you will see the one touch soccer pass multiple times. The one touch pass is the fastest way to advance the soccer ball down the field to other players to outpace the defense and rush toward the goal.


Understand the One Touch Pass

1. Remember the one touch pass requires you to time your kick for the moment the ball approaches your feet, so you kick the ball to your teammate with the first touch.

2. Expect to run to the ball as it is fed to you from another player.

3. Lead your teammate with the pass you send her.

Practice the One Touch Soccer Pass

4. Ask a friend to practice with you so you have someone available to feed you the ball.

5. Run down the field as your friend dribbles the soccer ball in the same direction.

6. Keep an eye on the ball and signal for your friend to pass it to you.

7. Time your steps right as you approach the passed ball so you can kick the ball with your right foot.

8. Kick the ball back to your friend with one single kick to complete the one touch soccer pass.

9. Get your friend to attempt the one touch pass back to you.

10. Work on passes with the inside of your right foot and the outside of your right foot by having your passes come to you from both sides of your body.

11. Switch feet and practice the one touch pass with your left foot. Remember to practice with both the outside and inside of your left foot as well.

Tags: touch pass, your friend, right foot, your right, your right foot