Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Ideas For Birthday Parties For Toddlers

Toddler birthday parties are exciting for guests as well as the special child.

Toddlers enjoy birthday parties with simple themes, presents, games and cake. Using a theme for the toddler party helps you to coordinate decorations, food, plates and napkins. Toddler birthday parties require you to plan activities to keep the children occupied during the party. Parties for children in this age group must accommodate nap schedules, and the guests require constant attention to ensure everyone's safety. Does this Spark an idea?

Storybook Themes

If your toddler has a favorite storybook that you read to her every night before bed, consider using the characters in the story for the birthday party theme. Search through the book for characters, colors, places and props central to the storyline. For instance, use green and brown balloons and green streamers to celebrate The Jungle Book. Transform your home into a blue lagoon with blue balloons and decorations for a Little Mermaid party. If you can't find pre-made decorations and party supplies for your theme, get creative and make your own. Use the characters on invitations, napkins, plates and decorations. Order a cake that is decorated with the characters.

Costume Party

Dig out the Halloween costumes and have a costume party for your toddler's birthday. Even if your child's birthday occurs in the middle of the summer, the kids will enjoy wearing costumes again.

Toddlers love to run around in a superhero cape and pretend to be a crime fighter. Decorate your child's birthday party with the colors and images of his favorite hero, and order a cake in the shape of the superhero. Have a Batman party, and request all the guests to dress as a character from Batman. Have a crime fighter party, and request that all guests dress as a favorite crime fighter, such as Superman, Wonder Woman or one of the Transformers.

Your invitations should instruct parents to dress the party guests in costumes. Adults can dress up and get into the spirit of the occasion, as well.


When planning a toddler's birthday party, schedule plenty of activities for the event. A toddler's party generally lasts 1 to 2 hours and can include activities such as a breaking the piñata, crafts, races and games. Give your toddler guests time to settle down before the end of the party with quieter games. For instance, schedule races and breaking the piñata for earlier in the day, andwind down with coloring at the end of the party.

Tags: birthday party, crime fighter, your toddler, birthday parties, child birthday, guests dress, party request