Thursday, June 4, 2015

Pair White Chocolate With Fruits

White chocolate pairs well with sugary, citric fruits, like strawberries.

White chocolate's mild, creamy taste is not usually paired with fruit. However, some tart, citrus flavors prove the exception to the rule. Delicate flavor is needed to properly balance sugar and acidic content. The citric acid level needs to be high enough to cut through the fat in white chocolate, yet sugary enough to keep from overpowering it. Peaches and strawberries are good examples of sugary, yet tart, fruits, but feel free to experiment with many tropical fruits. Use a ganache to test flavors and find the fruit pairing that sends your taste buds to chocolate heaven. Add this to my Recipe Box.


1. Pair white chocolate with passion fruit, strawberries, peach slices or limes. Slice the fruit of your choice into bite-size pieces.

2. Chop white chocolate into small slices. Place the chocolate pieces in a heatproof bowl.

3. Heat a saucepan of water over low heat. Place the bowl directly over the water and stir the chocolate constantly with a spatula until melted and smooth.

4. Remove saucepan from heat and pour out the water. Add heavy cream to the saucepan and place back on the burner. Heat until the cream starts to simmer.

5. Pour the cream into the bowl with the chocolate and whisk together. Dip fruit into the ganache to test flavors. If your fruit is too acidic, try a fruit that is more sugary. If the fruit cannot be tasted under the ganache, try a more acidic fruit.

Tags: acidic fruit, ganache test, ganache test flavors, test flavors, white chocolate, White chocolate