Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Ice Cream Activities For Toddlers

Plan ice cream activities to spend quality time with your toddler.

Rainy days and extremely hot summer days can keep little children inside their homes. When those days come, children can have fun doing indoor activities related to summer, including activities with ice cream, a popular treat for the season.

Ice Cream Flavors

Ice cream comes in many different flavors, from fruits to popular desserts such as cheesecake. Toddlers can have fun trying new flavors, and parents can use this time to teach children new words. Parents can give toddlers spoons with different flavors of ice cream and teach them to say the names of each flavor. If a child has a broader vocabulary, parents can have him guess the flavor he is trying. Parents can also talk about the colors of the ice cream and mix the flavors to create new colors.

Make Ice Cream

Parents who have ice cream machines can have toddlers help them make ice cream by measuring, spooning and mixing the ingredients. There are other ways to make ice cream with household items for those who do not have an ice cream machine. One way is by placing a container with the ice cream ingredients inside a can full of ice and rock salt, then toddlers roll the can back and forth until the ice cream thickens. Ice cream can also be made in individual plastic bags using the same method.

Ice Cream Crafts

Art activities help children develop their imagination and creativity. Toddlers can enjoy making their own ice cream cones with the help of an adult. Parents can cut a cone shape out of construction paper for the ice cream cone and circles for the scoops of ice cream. Toddlers then decorate them using a variety of ways. They can use crayons, finger paint, sponges or cotton balls dipped in paint. They can also glue pieces of paper for the toppings or use cotton swaps to paint them.

Ice Cream Books

For a more quiet activity, there are many children books about ice cream that parents can read to children. Some books include popular characters such as Dora the Explorer, SpongeBob Squarepants, Fancy Nancy or Max and Ruby. These books can teach children how ice cream is made and where it comes from. Books are really helpful for children in the toddler years, as books help them learn new words, develop an interest for reading and provide quality time with their parents.

Tags: different flavors, have cream, help them, make cream, quality time, quality time with